Current Happenings




Created on: 02-28-2008


  1. The Peep-Launcher must not violate any United States Government, State of California, County of Los Angeles and/or City of Pomona laws and regulations.

  2. The Peep-Launcher must not pierce, burn, crush or damage the peep in any way and no foreign objects are allowed to be inserted into the unsuspecting peeps.

  3. The Peep-Launcher must not pose a danger to the operator, spectators, domestic animals and/or local wildlife.

  4. The peeps must “free-launch” and experience the exhilaration of wind blowing across its face.  (i.e. Peeps may not be placed inside an enclosure.)

  5. All Peep-Launchers must go through “Tech Inspection” before authorization to launch is granted.

  6. Only official “Peeps” may be launched.  (Peeps will be provided.)

  7. Winner will be based on the longest horizontal distance and Peep-Launcher creativity.  (Up to three attempts for distance are allowed).

  8. The “Cyr’s” have final say in the interpretation of the rules and may modify and/or add rules as required.







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This site was last updated 02/28/08